Slavka Bozhinova's profile

Royal Academy of Arts - Sensation II

Royal Academy of Arts

Campaign: ‘Sensation II’
Challenge: To promote the spectacular exhibition Sensation II
Solution: Posters campaign aiming to provoke curiosity with its unusual executions

‘Good afternoon Mr. Exhibitionist’
With time some of the best reproductions from the past have turned into boring, commercialised pieces of work.
With this provocative execution I am trying to free this popular painting from the romantic and other stigmas attached to it and bring it back to life by using the element of contrast - pairing the classic, the appropriate, the peaceful beauty with the unexpected and inappropriate.

'The girl with the pearl earring who...’
This image communicates the idea of how sometimes overthinking art is destriyng it.
Everyone that has seen the movie or has read the conspiracy theory about this reproduction would think only about one thing when they are looking at it - A SLUT and they wouldn't see it for its qualities.

‘How would they portray themselves if they could’ - Woody Allen
This image is part of a set of 10 hypothetical autoportraits of celebrities I did imagining, suggesting and reflecting on how would these people portray themselves if they could paint - which style would they pick, what favourite objects would they include, what colour palette would they use and so on.
Royal Academy of Arts - Sensation II

Royal Academy of Arts - Sensation II

"Good evening Mr. Exhibitcionist."
